Rapid ResponsE NETWORKS/
San Francisco Rapid Response Network/
RED DE RESPUESTA RÁPIDA -- 415-200-1548- 24-hour hotline to report any ICE activity in San Francisco and get emergency legal assistance/
línea de 24 horas para reportar La Migra en San Francisco y obtener asistencia legal en caso de emergencia - What To Do When Reporting ICE Activity/Qué Hacer Cuando Reporten a la Migra
- 24-hour hotline to report any ICE activity in San Francisco and get emergency legal assistance/
Alameda County Immigration Legal and Education PartnershiP (ACLIEP) -- 510-241-4011
- 24-hour hotline to report any ICE activity in Alameda County and get emergency legal assistance/
línea de 24 horas para reportar La Migra en el condado de Alameda y obtener asistencia legal en caso de emergencia
- 24-hour hotline to report any ICE activity in Alameda County and get emergency legal assistance/
Northern California Rapid Response Network
The network’s goal is to provide support to every community within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Immigration Court – from Bakersfield to the Oregon border — to protect individuals’ due process rights and keep families together.